
A Vision of Doctor Spreadsheet

The name certainly evokes an image. Long white lab coat, keen observation, clipboard in hand, stethoscope draped across the shoulders… ready to asses your spreadsheet’s condition no matter how serious. A seasoned Excel Expert and Excel Developer offering fair and honest evaluations, no waiting rooms, digital house calls and instant answers to guide the wisest possible decisions for your spreadsheet’s health.
Often the subject is in perfect condition, the spreadsheet merely needs a checkup and a slight adjustment to diet. Many are ailing, disconnected from their source, trying to do too much with an improper build. They grow too fast and their systems can’t effectively function. There are of course the rare and frightening, critically wounded spreadsheets. Seen limping into view or more often locked in stillness, these files are no more than a broken shell of their former selves.

When Doctor Spreadsheet sees someone fall, he extends a hand to help them up and declares, “I have a Spreadsheet for that.”

For every organization, for every individual, for every list and for every decision there is a spreadsheet. For every creative idea and cherished memory, there is a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are for everything and everyone.